martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Ideal Relationship

Tips and Needs for an ideal relationship

Have the ability to love. The most amazing gift on earth is to love someone and to be loved back. But you really can't get love unless you give it sincerely to your partner. Love without conditions and make this the strong base of your very own ideal relationship.

Trust your partner. By this you can have the sweetest relationship even if its a long distance one.To get your partner trustworthy, also become the trusted one by yourself. You never know your own cheating may come on your way back!

Understand what it means to be in an ideal relationship. If you are thinking that in an ideal relationship there is no misunderstanding, then you are wrong. It is the ideal relationship which can keep itself strong even after having ups and downs and also avoiding misunderstandings very cleverly. You should always understand your partner. 

Have patience with your partner. That is one of the most important things to remember in an ideal relationship. Be patient if he or she is not able to give you time. Try to keep yourself calm while having arguments.Things can be handled and solved much easily by having patience.

Be able to convey your feelings to your partner. It may occur strange to you but its very true that your partner is not able to read your mind all the time. Come to reality! If somehow he is not able to figure out the reason of your being upset then don't think that he doesn't love you anymore! Specially this thing happens to girls in most of the time. So girls try to accept that guys aren't always able to find out what is happening inside your heart. For getting the best result try not to hide your feelings. Be expressive and that can make your relationship more strong than ever! 

Know how to handle a dispute, if one does arouse. If your partner is a hyper one then never try to talk while they are doing argument. Give them time. Let them finish and then take a deep breathe and try to make them understand in which cases you think they are not doing it correctly. Never tell you partner directly that they are wrong. Never let their self respect to be get down. Don't take it in the sense of having ego, take it as their nature. 

Keep your promises. If you are not able to keep them, don't really make them. It's much better not to make promises then just breaking them. 

Give surprises to your partner. You don't need to give surprises all the time. Guys you can even make the day for your girls by just giving roses all on a sudden! 

Learn to accept some of your faults you have with your partner. It is very usual to have some faults in nature. Don't try to judge your partner. If you think that he or she is having some bad sides then you should keep in mind that they also have the good ones!

Say: "I LOVE YOU". Daily, many times. Especially when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Say it for the rest of your lives together. Never ever take love for granted. Express it verbally as well as with action. We all need to hear that magical phrase. It reaffirms how we feel at that moment. So, fill your lives with millions of moments of love by saying: "I love you." 

TREASURE your TIME together. It could be your last. Look at it this way and you'll always appreciate each other even more. Have NO reason for regrets. Spend time with each other doing all the things you both love to do. Do it now! Tomorrow may not come. So together — plan now for the best times of the rest of your lives.  

FORGIVE and LOVE. Release the past at every moment. Live in the present. Plan for your future — together. 

Grow TOGETHER. At the same speed and direction — by sharing similar ideas and activites. This will bond you together even more while building on fond memories. (People who don't grow together will complete their relationship and move on to lead separate lives. This is why most people divorce.)

Do NEW and DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES together. Enjoy a new restaurant, a different dish, a concert, a unique vacation, attend a class together — something exciting that both of you can plan and look forward to. Learn together and you'll be happier. 

ACHIEVE and MAINTAIN your IDEAL figure. It is a gift to yourself and your mate. A healthy and attractive body also promotes a healthy relationship. 

CoupleCare Expects you enjoy this BLOG :D

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